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Must-Haves For Every Wedding (April Fools'!)

Spring weddings are just around the corner! Are you a 2019 bride or groom? Trends are changing so quickly for the 2019 and 2020 seasons that it can be hard to keep up. I've assembled a quick guide to everything you must have for your wedding!

Chocolate Wedding Cake

Everyone loves sweets! Indulge your guests' sweet tooth with chocolate everything, including a custom chocolate wedding cake.

Ice Sculpture

Why not celebrate with a thing made of ice? Nothing says "romantic" like swans, hearts, or maybe even a custom newlywed portrait.

Aquarium with Tropical Fish

You can't go wrong with an aquatic centerpiece, doubling as entertainment. If you have a summer wedding, tropical fish will play in nicely with your theme.

Ceremony on a Rotating Stage

The best way to make sure your guests all get a front row seat to the show is to get married on a rotating platform. You might get dizzy, but you'll also get a panoramic view!

Orange Juice Bar, served by Gunther from Friends (James Michael Tyler)

Hire a celebrity bartender, like the guy who plays Gunther from Friends, to serve your guests their drinks. Orange juice is the hottest new trend for dinner service.

Hedgehog Favors

Send your guests home with a new friend! Hedgehogs make wonderful pets, and are super cute. These favors will guarantee a memorable wedding.

Clown with Balloon Animals

A unique spin on cocktail hour entertainment, hire a clown/balloon artist to give your guests a fun surprise. You'd be surprised what kinds of shapes they can twist up.

Unicorn-Drawn Carriage

Horse-drawn carriages are so 2018. Unicorns will provide the most enchanting exit from your wedding reception, and set the tone for the night.

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