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Crafting A Client Experience with Rebecca Sigety

On The DMV Wedding Pros Podcast this week, I got to chat with Rebecca Sigety from Rebecca Sigety Photography.

Rebecca Sigety is a lifestyle and wedding photographer in NOVA. She has a background in theater and directing, and has spent the last ten years building her photo business and running a children's theater company. Today we're talking about the client experience and client connection, starting from the inquiry all the way to the finished product, and beyond! Contact forms, questionnaires, client gifts, and everything in between to make our clients feel valued and special.

Hey Rebecca! I'm so glad you're on the podcast today. Give yourself a little introduction.

Sure! I'm Rebecca Sigety, I'm a lifestyle and wedding photographer in Northern Virginia. I have a background in theater and directing, which I often joke is the exact same as photographing a wedding day. I've spent the past ten years not only building this photo business, but also running a children's theater company that focuses on performance and production. I got my first Nikon in 2016, and honestly I haven't looked back. I started with lifestyle, but I quickly transitioned to the wedding world. Because I'm a multi-business owner, I photograph about 15 weddings per year, and lots and lots of families and returning clients.

Today we are going to talk about how we've built businesses by focusing on client experience and client connection. So where do you want to start with that?

I think client connection really starts with the inquiry, right from the beginning. I always say my number one goal, when people ask me how I hook my clients, I want to get them on a phone call, which is super un-millennial of me. I'm a huge believer in the lost art of phone communication. I find email and text to be kind of impersonal. Over the phone I immediately get to connect with them and start building that relationship. I also just emphasize that the first call is an important time to make sure we're both a good fit for each other because, as I'm sure you know, it's a two-way street. I want to make sure that I'm comfortable serving them as their photographer, just as they're comfortable with investing such a huge expense for their wedding.

When you first hop on the phone with somebody, what are the things you're looking for or listening for to know if you're a good fit or not?

I ask them a ton of questions up front. I want to know about their relationship history, their wedding plans so far, and then I let them ask me about photography details. I think it's more of a vibe rather than me looking for specific things. I think we all feel this way when we're meeting new people: do we click? If we don't click right at the beginning, it's really hard to serve your clients well. It's a hard thing to explain, but I have this feeling when I'm on a phone call with a potential client, and I just know, "this is a great fit." Sometimes I'll come off the call and talk to my husband and be like, "Oh my gosh, this was the best! I feel like I could be best friends with this person!" Which I love, that's the best call.

I'm taking notes throughout the whole thing. I'm super Type-A creative, an enneagram 3 wing 2. So I love spreadsheets, but I also love serving people. That process is also invaluable for me, serving them later down the line. Obviously we talk to a lot of people, and creating those personal notes, that's how I create the connection later on.

I wholeheartedly agree with all of this. I am a huge fan of getting them on the phone as soon as possible because you can just feel it out better on the phone. For me, I almost always know just from their inquiry form if we're a good fit because I put personality questions on my inquiry form. So if they skip over them or just write a couple words, I'm like, "Hmm, interesting." Personally, I connect the best with really bubbly couples, couples who are each other's best friend, and they are just so excited for their wedding. They really someone to take care of them and be a friend to them on their wedding day. If they are bubbly in their inquiry form and immediately upon picking up the phone they're excited to talk to me, right off the bat this is probably my person.

I definitely agree with you on the inquiry form. When you get that big paragraph telling you how excited they are, not only to be talking to you but just to be celebrating their wedding day and their marriage, that's the best. I need to do some personal questions. I'm now thinking what I can put on there.

The things I use are, "What is most important to have captured," which tells me what they value, and "What are you most excited for?" Those are questions I don't make required for them to fill out before they send it, but if they write a paragraph in there, I already know they are so excited and what they value. The people who are really eager will also write in why they're excited about working with me, or a particular thing in their wedding video that they know they want, which is super helpful. I'm a huge fan of inquiry contact forms and making them work for you.

When you first meet with people, are you the kind of person who, pre-covid, used to do in-person meetings? Are you mostly on the phone, video calls?

I'm definitely an in-person meeting person. I find that this investment in my couples is hopefully a signifier to them about how much I am excited to serve them on their wedding day. Pre-covid I definitely offered an in-person meeting. Sometimes I have couples who wanted to book me immediately after that first call, so if that's the case I'm saying, "Let's have a meeting after booking. We don't have to wait until after your engagement session."

Wedding photography and videography are big investments. That in-person cup of coffee or glass of wine was definitely one of the true keys to connecting with my clients. I want them so much to know that I'm investing in them just as they're investing in me. Obviously covid has changed that part of the experience. I don't love a Zoom call, but it still gives me the opportunity to have that in-person contact. Sometimes it seems a little repetitive when I'm asking to meet over the phone, and then over Zoom, but I want them to know that we're creating that personal connection.

I love that. In the beginning I was afraid to do in-person meetings, and then when I started doing them I liked them, but even pre-covid I preferred to be over the phone because there's less pressure for everybody. But, I do think that there's something to say for different markets, whether you're just starting out, or whether you're a luxury brand. I know there are photographers/videographers/planners who take their couples out for wine or to a bar or to dinner or something kind of lavish, and I've always wondered how that works for them. Or if that makes them feel like that helps them connect more.

So I do wine outings. That's my most-typical outing. There's a couple places here that I adore, cute little spots that are quiet. I buy a bottle of wine for the table, and we just sit back and relax. While it's more of a luxury experience, I find it to be a very relaxed and casual way for us to gather and just get to know each other. I always say I end up leaving my wedding couples as friends, and I think a lot of that is based in that initial meeting. I've also done Zoom wine nights with some of my brides, which has been a lot of fun. I've also been thinking about sending wine gift cards to them, so they can go out and grab a bottle, and then we can have a Zoom meeting.

That's so awesome! I think that's a great idea. It's just breaking bread with people, right? It's sitting down to some food or some drinks and getting to know each other. One thing I really love to ask too, particularly in one of our final meetings before the wedding, is, "Tell me about you other than being a bride or a groom." Because we're so wedding focused, and they're so wedding focused, I think it's so important to get to know them as people and not just someone getting married.

Oh, absolutely. And by doing that you do truly create those friendships. I have a couple that we connected with earlier in the fall, and we started hanging out with them during the wedding process. They live a few blocks from us, actually it's kind of crazy how we met, and then they hired me to be their wedding photographer. It's because we had that foundation that we started grabbing drinks together, and then we were having dinner together, and of course I missed seeing them for the couple of months leading into covid where it was crazy, but seeing them on their wedding day then made it that much more special.

There's just something to be said for going into a wedding feeling like you're doing it for friends. I'm positive they probably feel that in a reciprocal way, they feel so taken care of and served. For me, I joke sometimes that it's a double-edged sword because I get to know my couples, I'm so invested in them, and I love them, but then I'm so nervous for their weddings because I want them to be perfect and make sure I'm doing the best job I possibly can.

No, that is totally accurate. I remember going into this couple's wedding like, "What if I do a bad job? What if it doesn't come out the way I think it will?" And of course it was beautiful and magical and the whole thing was wonderful, but you do get so nervous. Impressing friends and doing a good job for friends is so much more intimidating I think than someone that you don't know. But maybe that investment really helps us serve our couples more, and that's what we can bring out of it.

Okay. So, we've inquired and booked. From then on, when you are welcoming them into your business as one of your couples, is there anything special that you do for them?

Yeah, absolutely. I do a big wedding gift right at the beginning. I have client guides for literally everything. Because I'm a lifestyle photographer and a wedding photographer (because I think it's sometimes okay to hang out in more than one lane), I have a guide for engagements, weddings, families, maternity, and even mini sessions. For my wedding clients, I deliver them a hard copy of the wedding guide and the engagement guide. These two things are just walking them through every aspect of their day. Having that information in their hands just gets them super excited for the day. I have bought a million templates over time, but I found after awhile that creating my own and creating my own info really helps me connect more, and I get more back from my couples because I've done that. I have brides who will text me and be like, "Oh my gosh, I just bought this ring box!" Or, "I just bought this sign! I'm so excited to have it featured just like you said in your wedding guide!" And that is just another form of connection, so it's really amazing for me to be the person they want to share those things with, and it just builds their excitement for their wedding day even more.

That's so cool! I starting sending a guide maybe a year ago, and I hope that it helps. I haven't gotten too much feedback on it, but it's so nice to just give people information because they haven't done this before usually. It's all so overwhelming, so if we can educate them, hell yeah! Let's do it.

Right. And I think it's helpful, too, because they have a million questions. So by putting them out in front of them not only answers their questions, but it eases our job a little bit more on the backend. There's less emails in your inbox because I've answered every single possible question under the sun with my guide. I hope they go to that first, and then if there's still something they email me, but they have that confidence that we're the experts in our field.

Do you mind sharing a couple of the big things that you make sure to include in there for them?

Absolutely details. As a photographer, details are where my day starts. They really are the creative building blocks for my day. It's how I get that really great visual picture of a wedding day and what that's going to look like. How I incorporate colors and themes and all of that into a day, it starts right there at the beginning of my time. One thing I do for my clients is I always gift them an extra hour of my time. I'm going to show up early just to get started on those. Not only just to meet the bridal party and their families and get the lay of the land, but I want to get started on the details process early because it's such an important foundation for my day. I feel much more creatively inspired. Those pages in my bridal guide are super important to me. I always tell my bride, "Let's review these together. Even just for five minutes on the phone. Let's talk about each of these things so you're thinking about it in advance." If you start well, you're going to have a lot more momentum moving in.

Definitely. I know you gift an hour of your time, but do you send any other trinkets or fun things in the mail?

I haven't throughout the years, it's usually just my big welcome gift, which has candies and treats for both bride and groom. I always try to gift the groom a few things too because I feel like they get left out. I never like to say "my brides," I always like to say "my couples." I haven't been doing trinkety things in the mail throughout the year, but that's my goal in 2021 to create that part of my client experience and really start offering more throughout the year.

And your big welcome box - is that something you source and put together or does that go through a company?

Right now it is something I do on my own. 2021 I'm going to change over and outsource that to another local DMV vendor, who is absolutely amazing. I'll give her a little shout out - Alicia with The Welcoming District. She is amazing and she'll be doing all my gifting starting this year.

That's so awesome! I would love to reach a point where I could outsource that to a local business, that's so cool.

Her work is - I'm obsessed. I'm so excited to start that.

I'm a person who gives a few little gifts throughout the process, and I love doing that. I've been using a place called The Confetti Post, which is based in Indiana. They are awesome, and the boxes come with a little pouch of confetti and a little balloon and some caramels just to get them excited. I'll also send a coffee gift card and some hand-written notes just to make sure they know they are on my radar and I'm taking care of them.

But I was thinking the other day, is it worth asking our couples what their love languages are? Because for me, gifting is a really big love language. I think a lot of times that's misrepresented, like, "You have to get me a card to show me that you love me," when it's just little things, like picking an extra thing up at the grocery store or leaving a note, or something small like that. So when I'm sending notes or candies in the mail, for some couples that probably means the world, and some couples are probably like, "That's nice." But it might be more worthwhile to make sure we're spending quality time with them in the way we're educating them or emailing them. You know, reviewing the love languages and figuring out how we can best serve that couple. I haven't gotten into that further, but I don't know, I had that thought the other day and thought it was worth mentioning.

I love that, and that makes total sense because everyone is different. I love surprising my husband with little gifts all the time, that's something that brings me such joy. The other day I was at Target and I saw the cheesiest socks that I thought were so funny, and he collects funny socks, so I thought, "I'll just pick this up!" That is such an important part of my relationship with him, but I know other people deal differently, so I guess I've never thought about that before. But I love that, asking that question right at the beginning so we can serve them even more to feel value.

Well, that transitions perfectly into the next thing I was going to ask which is, what kind of information are you gathering from your couples and at what point are you doing that?

I have a pre-wedding day questionnaire. It depends on a lot of things, like when the engagement session is and when we've had that big in-person connection, but I typically send it 60 days in advance of the wedding day. I want it to be just far enough that they have time to fill it out, but they also have enough planning done that they can answer all the questions. It's super extensive. I always say, "Have a glass of wine, sit down, if you need help I can walk you through this." It's such an imperative part of my process because I'm not only getting these last minute things from them written down from their perspective, but I'm also getting the organizational information that I need for their wedding day.

Going into a wedding day for me, I want to be as prepared as possible. It's like a study guide right before the big test. I spend time, I review it, I'm learning names, I'm learning about all the connections with their family that I've asked about. I basically have it memorized in the back of my mind so I have as few questions for them as possible. That way I just go in with this really clear map of how the day is going to go, and I can be the leader throughout the whole day. Obviously I work with a lot of planners who are amazing at this, but having that knowledge keeps them stress-free and helps instill this high level of confidence, and then again it comes back to connection for the bride and groom.

Also their family, and friends. They notice that kind of stuff when we're there, when I know mom's name or grandma's name and I'm talking to them on a personal level. I think that adds to the personal connection that we've built over a nine month, or even a two year, process.

I think that's a really good idea. I know that most photographers probably collect names for photo lists, but I haven't thought of it in terms of just knowing your essential players. That's so smart.

Also just knowing - family circumstances are always different. I would never want to upset someone on a wedding day, so for me it's important for me to know going in what are the situations, who is who, and what's going on where.

Exactly. I knew that I needed to beef up my questionnaires probably. a year ago now, but I wasn't sure how to word those things, and how to make sure I was getting the information I needed without sounding... disingenuous or just sounding like I didn't know what I was talking about. Someone very graciously offered their template, which was super helpful to me. The way that I phrase it on mine is, "Are there any divorces, deaths, or any difficult relationships I should know about?" That way they can provide as little or as much information as they want, and it's very helpful going into a wedding day.

Absolutely. I think mine says, "Are there any special family circumstances I should know about (deaths, divorces, etc.)?"

I'm slightly embarrassed to day if there are a lot of bridesmaids, I don't usually try to learn all of their names, but at least the maid of honor/matron of honor. But, if I go in and I'm feeling good and there's only a few people, I try my best to learn their names. It's so helpful later in the day, and it's so helpful - like you said - to just get on a more personal connection with them. Especially then if you're going and following them on instagram and stuff like that after the wedding day, it's such an easy way to continue that personal connection.

Absolutely. And the easiest way to turn bridesmaids into future brides. I have two brides this coming year who are both bridesmaids in previous weddings, and it's because of that connection and the effort that I made to know who they were. I might have done a little bit on instagram stalking ahead of time. I've only had one or two brides who have sent me their wedding website link, but that's a great option too. Sometimes they use pictures, and you can create that visual image. Knowing who they are, connecting with them, and making them feel special too on that day... they remember that. And they're like, "Oh my gosh, I remember how great so-and-so's photographer was, and I'm going to go and work with them because they made her feel so amazing, they made us feel amazing, and that's what I want on my wedding day."

Absolutely. It goes back to that saying about how people don't remember what happened, but they remember how they made you feel.

How else are you working pre-wedding, during wedding, post-wedding to really feed that connection with your couples?

One of the things that I'm really focused on is adding value to every aspect of an experience. I want them to feel like they've gotten every dollar or every ounce of investment out of their wedding experience. A lot of that starts with the pre-gifts and guides, but I do gift all my couples an engagement session no matter their package size. I think it's so important for our experience together, especially in the covid era. It's undistracted time we get to spend together without the stressors of a wedding day. I don't put a monetary value on it because I want my couples to take it. They can't exchange it for something else. It's really for me to understand how they photograph.

A lot of that value comes afterward in how I build on the hype for each of these things. For their engagement session, unless I'm somewhere crazy far, I'm delivering sneak peeks to my clients that night. My computer is ready and waiting for me the minute I walk in the door, and I consider this to be a part of the process and my commitment to them. I'm sending 6-9 photos to their hands almost immediately, and it only builds on that excitement. Then I put them into a reel on instagram. It's become a streamlined process. As soon as I get home, I pick 6-9, throw them into a reel, back up the images, pull while they're backing up, then I immediately put them into my stories so they're sharing on instagram.

We have this need for instant gratification, and it gets something into their hands immediately. I want to be the first thing they share while it's on their mind. I do the same thing for a wedding day. In fact, for a wedding day I fast track that process. I'm doing 10-15 images during the day. I'll mark them in my camera usually if I see something that I love, and then while I'm backing up at the reception, usually while we're eating dinner, I'll do a same day slideshow and get it to my couples on an iPad during the reception. The hype game is so real. You want your couples to be excited, and I want to be the only thing they're sharing in day 1, 2, 3, 20 after a wedding day.

I think that's so smart. For a little while I was experimenting with same day edits at no cost, just doing them when I could. I do think it's slightly different with video. I so admire photographers who do same day edits, or a reception slideshow, or anything that literally means you're working during the one hour of downtime during a wedding. But if I have the stamina to stay up for three more hours to edit and find music and everything, it is really cool because, like you said, for us to have the very first thing out they see is really important. On another episode we talked about boundaries, and if that's not something you feel like you can deliver then don't, that's completely okay. But it is cool, you want them to be able to share only your stuff right away.

Unfortunately there are so many cell phone photos that float around for two weeks until they get sneak peeks, and it kills me every time I see a cell phone picture become a profile picture like the day after the wedding when I know they'll see their sneak peeks in a few days.

Right? My heart. They're SO excited, you know? I'm going to do everything in my power to be that profile picture. I don't want it to be an iPhone snap. Even past that, I aim to blog my weddings 3-4 days post event. I'm sending my couples a gallery of those images, as well as the vendor team, like the venue, florist, hair & makeup, people who I know want to be posting photos within a week. That way they're still excited, and they haven't been distracted by another wedding yet. That's such a huge part of the value that I add to my process. But I do have the flexibility, like you said, boundaries are a real thing. Without kids and all of that, I have the ability to focus my time on that immediately.

Yeah, I do think that's an interesting way to bring value to your business. I'm truly in awe. You churn it out, it's wild to me, truly. I don't think that a lot of people can do that. I think that's a huge things that adds value to you and your business. And for anyone out there who happens to be a quick turn-around person, make sure you make that known. It's a big deal. I do think that one thing that couples may not think to ask, that is usually in a contract that they may or may not read, is how long it will take to see their photos or video. That shareability, tagging every vendor, sending the gallery to every vendor, tagging every bridesmaid, that kind of stuff is what grows our business.

Because not only then are you building connections with your couples, beyond that you're building connections with local vendors. I've talked to so many vendors who haven't seen photos from a wedding from a year ago. That breaks my heart because that's your number one source of advertising. Those vendors want to talk about you and show off their work, too. I could talk a whole other podcast about that topic. Everyone has worked so hard, so just share the love.

I totally agree. I've been working on some blogs and ideas and things that I want to talk about and one of those huge things is... it kills me when I see a photographer post a stunning photo the day of or after a wedding, but they don't tag vendors in the description or in the photo or anything. I mean A) Please give credit where credit is due, but B) It's crazy that they don't realize that if they did that, they'd get so many more shares, engagement, and follows from vendors who love your work, who want to see their work in yours, and who want to recommend you, or buy more photos from you, or hiring you for branding, or whatever the case may be.

Absolutely. I make that a part of my pre-wedding process, just as a tip for other photographers out there. I make it a part of my process, it's part of my questionnaire. I have that vendor list from my couples so I don't have to go to them afterwards, because they're exhausted after the fact. Then I go through and find instagram handles and keep it in the Notes app on my phone to be ready to upload. It's just part of my prep process. I know I'll be posting that night, so it's one less thing I have to think about that makes it faster on the backend.

I did a wedding at a vineyard in Charlottesville in the fall and I shared a couple of photos with them. They posted within three days, and then two days later I had an inquiry at the same venue who said, "I saw your photo on their instagram, I'm obsessed, let's book it."

Yeah, I've been getting more and more engagement directly from venues in that way, too!

All of that just came back to me tagging them. They were so excited to share it too, so quickly, within a week. I hadn't even gotten a blog post up!

It's so funny to me that people don't do it. It's one of the simplest possible ways for you to grow engagement naturally, just to credit all the vendors and let them know it was so great working with them, and give them access to your gallery or videos for them to continue to share.

I 1000% agree.

So, you've delivered their gallery/blog in record time because you're crazy, and just a very good business woman, and then what does communication look like after that?

You know, fall was crazy. I still managed to deliver... I think my longest delivery time was three and a half weeks. I know a lot of that is culling. I basically have a system where I complete and do the same thing like every night of the week, like I'm only editing reception photos on Mondays. I do work a semi-full time job during the week, so I have to keep organized and on top of myself, otherwise it'll just slip away.

I also edit my least favorite things first, fun tip. I always edit the reception first because there's not really a lot of creativity there, it's just like, "Okay, here's another photo with weird lighting challenges." So I edit that first and leave the fun stuff for the end so I'm excited still to get there.

Then I'm following up with a personal email to my clients, sending them their gallery, and this is when I typically ask for reviews. I'll follow up a few weeks later. I talk about downloading and sharing their images, of course I want them to share them everywhere. They can order prints in my gallery. That's kind of the last contact we have, but then I'm constantly connecting with them on instagram after the fact. You know, sharing if possible if accounts are private, sharing images, commenting on images, and keeping that contact going because engagement there is super important

Definitely. I think that some people may think it ends on the wedding day, but it's so important to keep up with people. Instagram has been such an incredible tool for me, particularly for connecting with vendors and clients. Like you said, continuing to interact and engage with their stuff. The more they see your name pop up, the more they'll think of you when their next friend gets engaged and they're like, "Oh! I had this great photographer/videographer. They still follow me on instagram and they're really nice!"

Yeah. And I also feel like continuing that connection just builds the importance of... I find that photographing these moments 1000% builds this legacy for your life that you're passing down to future generations. I want to be a part of every experience in my couples' lives. I just photographed a maternity for one of my 2019 couples, which was so sweet I could have cried. You know, I get to photograph the next incredible moments for them, and she said, "We'll be flexible with your schedule. We only want you." That makes me feel so amazing, obviously, but you know, it's because of the relationships I've been able to build with them that I now get to photograph the next moments in their life. Staying connected is such a huge part of that.

That's definitely one thing that I've been really envious about with photographers, they can do those family sessions and maternity sessions, and when other big life moments come up. But I think it's important to realize that connection does not stop right after the wedding or after you've delivered the wedding. Just stay in touch with people. Especially if you've done your job to become their friend and someone they trust, you should stick around and just continue to serve them.

I really like to send holiday cards. That's one thing I think is fun. So usually, depending on when people book, they'll get two. So I send my future clients one, like the Christmas before their wedding, and if I've just shot their wedding in the past year they'll get another one. That's always super fun, especially if I can tuck a gift or some fun thing in there. It depends. This year I picked up Procreate and an iPencil so I actually designed ornaments that I stuck into each card.

It's so crucial for us as business people to always be evolving and growing and figuring out what the next big thing is, so I was wondering if you have any 2021 goals?

I do! We talked about this a little bit earlier, how I'm shifting my client gifts. That's one of my big goals for 2021, to evolve and elevate those into a more luxury experience to match more of my overall wedding experience. I'll be outsourcing those. I'm also looking to incorporate one or two more small surprises for my couples into that part of their experience.

One of my other big goals for 2021 is I'm actually in the process of creating a template for my smaller guides - engagement, lifestyle, mini-session. I really want to help other photographers. At the start of my business, I had no idea what I needed to do and put out there for my clients to give them the kind of experience that I wanted them to have. I feel personally that these guides have really affected my own work. I kind of look at it as sort of like a styled shoot, how that's attracting an ideal client. Giving your clients these guides just gives them the tools to create the shoot they're dreaming about. It's a way for them to visualize because not everyone has our creative eye, and they might not know what needs to happen in order to create the family shoot they were really hoping for. Or, how do I get my photos to look like the ones on your instagram feed? So these guides are helping photographers connect with their clients and giving them the kind of experience that not only the client is going to love, but the photographer is proud to share. Like I said, they've been so valuable to me, so I'm working really hard right now to create these for other photographers so they have a starting point of where to go. Thank you 2020 for helping me pivot!

I, too, in 2020 have shifted gears a little bit to do some more education, and it's so fulfilling. Both on the couples side and the vendors side, if people haven't done this before it's so intimidating. We are so full of knowledge, so why not utilize that?

Absolutely. And I'm super passionate about education. I mean, I've been an educator for ten years. I just love helping other people get there without all of the angst that we had to go through when we did it the hard way, or on our way. I wish I had invested more in people guiding me in those early days of my photo business because I know the value is there.

I truly feel like we could talk for a hundred years, but I'm gonna wrap us up and ask you: why are you so passionate about the client experience?

I probably mentioned it about a thousand times today, but I believe in the legacy and value in photos as you move through each stage and moment of your life's story. I want my client's experience to align with that. I said this earlier, I'm an enneagram 3 wing 2, but I love serving people and giving them something that they remember forever. I think it's so important, especially in these biggest moments of your life, and giving them just this valuable experience and making them feel wonderful in that aspect of their experience... that's what I'm passionate about. I want to help them build that legacy of a life story they can pass down for years.


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